Will Home Depot Cut PVC Pipe? Find Out Now!
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If you have a power miter saw in your home shop, there is no reason not to cut your PVC pipe with the saw. Use a good clamp system to hold the pipe in place if the blade binds and causes a kickback. Belly fat is one of the most difficult things to get rid of. Despite what many fad diets and workout programs claim, there’s no easy way to lose belly fat in a week.
The other side has a sharp metal blade designed to make smooth burr-free cuts on PVC pipe less than one inch in diameter. In general, Home Depot stores will cut PVC pipe to length for customers who buy the PVC pipe in the store. The store may limit the number of cuts to three per ten-foot length of PVC pipe. However, Home Depot leaves a lot of these kinds of decisions to the discretion of the store manager. You should check with the store for their policy on cutting materials before purchasing your PVC pipe. If you’re shopping for a PVC pipe cutter online, you may be struggling to decide which is the best one for you.
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If you must use a saw to cut large diameter PVC, be sure to wear respiratory and eye protection. The thinner the PVC pipe, the more likely your PEX cutter can cut it. However, the best solution is to purchase a pipe cutter specialized for PVC.
In fact, if you are planning a PVC pipe project, a good pair of PVC pipe cutters should be in your tool kit. These tools are inexpensive and will pay for themselves many times over. Whether you are using a PVC pipe cutter, hacksaw, or other cutting tool, it’s important you learn how to cut PVC pipe properly. The size of the PVC pipe and the tool you use will require a different process. Smaller PVC pipes can be cut most effectively with a PVC pipe cutter. To cut the PVC pipe, simply mark the area to be cut with a pencil, line up the blade with the pencil mark, and then cut.
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That being said, people have successfully gotten their PVC pipes cut at Home Depot by asking an employee respectfully. I will say I’m fairly certain it can cut the same types of materials as the other PVC pipe cutters on this list, but something to note nonetheless. Rather than advertising for multiple types of pipes, Klein decided to have this pipe cutter specialize in white and gray schedule 40 and 80 PVC. This ratcheting PVC pipe cutter has an OD capacity of up to 1-5/8 inches, and weighs about one pound.

I always like to stress you do get what you pay for, but for the price I think his PVC pipe cutter is definitely worth it. The first is that if you’re trying to work in tight spaces, it’s fairly challenging to work the cutter around the pipe. The battery of the Milwaukee M12 will give you roughly 200 cuts in a single charge. Saws create a lot of plastic dust and larger waste particles. PVC dust and particles are not something you want to ingest or inhale. These particles and dust can irritate your respiratory system and damage your eyes.
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Coarser blades can chip and crack the PVC pipe leaving a ragged edge on the cut. In our opinion, PVC cutters are the best tool for cutting small diameter PVC pipe. Saws often leave a rough cut with lots of burrs on the edge of the cut. These rough edges and burrs must be removed before cementing the joints, or you risk leaks. If you have to cut a PVC pipe that is 4 inches in diameter, you will need a specialized pipe cutter. If you are looking to cut PVC pipe from the inside, then you will need an internal PVC pipe cutter.
These pipe cutters are actually blades designed for use with a standard drill, and are relatively cheap. You simply place the blade in the drill and tighten it down until the blade is stable. The drill will rotate the pipe cutter, allowing you to cut through PVC pipes anywhere from 1 to 10 inches in size. PVC pipe cutters look a lot like garden shears or large scissors. One side has a split anvil curved to hold the PVC pipe securely.
To cut a larger pipe, ensure you stabilize the pipe, use tape for marking the area to be cut, and begin using the hacksaw. The Harborfreight PVC pipe cutter is an affordable ratchet pipe cutter with an aluminum frame. This cutter does not weigh much, coming in at under a pound. Our recommended saw blades for cutting PVC pipe are a combination wood/metal cutting blades. The tooth count on the blade should be 10 to 14 teeth per inch.
However, there are some drawbacks to using a hand saw to cut your PVC pipe. Most Home Depot stores have a self-serve cutting station somewhere in the store. Typically, this self-serve cutting station is in the aisle where the molding and trim are sold.
The large head is nice as well as it helps take away a lot of the stress from your hand when squeezing. The cutter also has safety features to make it safe to handle and store away when you’re not using it. The excellent cutting abilities of the Milwaukee M12 make it one of the best PVC pipe cutters to own.

There are a few different pipe cutters to choose from, and it’s not always easy to know which one works best for your specific pipe cutting project. We’ve done the research, and have compiled a list of the best PVC pipe cutters worth adding to your toolbox. Most Home Depot Stores will make up to three cuts per ten-foot section of PVC pipe for free.
These are our recommendations for tools to cut PVC pipe. If your local Home Depot does cut PVC pipe, be sure to have your measurements handy. Watch the store representative closely as they measure and cut. In general, Home Depot will make the cuts but won’t guarantee the accuracy of the results. If you discover later that the lengths are wrong, Home Depot typically won’t give you a refund on the cut materials. Home Depot does not officially cut PVC pipe for you unless you purchase the PVC pipe from their store.

Check with your local Home Depot store about their policy on cutting PVC pipe before you make your purchase. The Milwaukee M12 is a battery-operated pipe cutter that is water-resistant, impact-resistant, and rust-resistant. This pipe cutter is usually sold as a kit, and includes a pipe shear, lithium-ion battery, 30 minute charger, and carrying case. If you outfit your power miter saw with the appropriate blade, you can easily cut PVC pipe. There are some tricks and tips to using a power miter saw to cut PVC pipe to prevent accidents and get the best results. Anything that will cut wood or metal can be used to cut PVC successfully.
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